#Hanzo Artist of The Day!

Imagination at work is something that comes to mind when I view this innovator's works of art. There is no question that I will find

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Hanzo (Prompt Master) has been on the Midjourney Community Trending Page since I joined the club of imagination. When Midjourney first came on the scene the images she generated changed the game for artistic creation completely. The software captured my imagination with one simple but complex word Imagine. When the world has become your artistic oyster what would you create? Hanzo continues to surprise me; there has not been a time when I clicked on his feed and come out not feeling inspired. “Such mastery!” I thought to myself as scrolled through Hanzo’s timeless creations.

Some may think that prompt crafting is a simple endeavor, but it isn’t by a long shot. The same hours that a traditional artist may pour into their work is the same amount for the crafter. True, with the assistance of Intelligence the creation time is shortened quite dramatically, but the control over the starting point is out of the Prompter’s hands. There lies the gift and curse of crafting for the moment.

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